Pengabdian Masyarakat - Renovasi MCK dan Tempat Pembuangan Sampah Sementara RT.011/RW.01, Cikini, Jakarta

Project of Universitas Indonesia in collaboration with Chiba University (Japan)

UI Researcher:
- Bu Evawani Ellisa
- Bpk. Azrar Hadi
- Bpk. Joko Adianto

UI Assistant Researcher:
- Albertus Bobby Widagdo
- Erry Bramana Sakti
- Monika Tandibua
- Muhammad Ridho Zul Ikhwan
- Dio Guna Putra
- Alfajri Rahmatullah
- Reza Kahvi

Category: Research Design, Public Space, Social, Slum Architecture

Year: 2014

Status: Completed (1st Phase)

Final Design Proposal:

Site existing visit and mapping:

1st Design Proposal from Universitas Indonesia:

 Presentation Model:

Presentation with local community in RT.011/RW.01, Cikini, Jakarta:

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